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One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a thermal insulation product is temperature resistance.

The table below provides a quick snapshot of the maximum continuous operating temperature of each of our main types of heat resistant ropes and square packings. 

For (a lot) more information on the capabilities and benefits of any individual product, please click through to its' product page.

      Material             Max. Continuous Temperature      
      Ceramic Insulation Rope             1,200°C      
Ceramic Square Packing                   800°C      
Fibreglass Braided Rope Seal       538°C
Fibreglass Rope Lagging (GFR1) 550°C
Fibreglass Square Packing 500°C
Refrasil Rope Insulation (Silica) 982°C
Wood Fire Stove & Heater Sealing Kits
HT 300 High Temp Silicon


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